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Count Me In!


So many contribute their time, talent, and treasure generously to make Holy Rosary the loving parish family that it is! We are so blessed!


If you aren’t involved in a ministry, please fill out the attached Count Me In! sign-up sheet and join us in one or more of the opportunities listed below. It’s one of the best ways to feel like you belong – and it’s a great way to meet new friends. If you would like to help but don’t know what’s the best ministry for you, please contact the Parish Office.

Get Started with this simple form:
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Altar Servers

Ages: 3rd grade to adult.
Altar servers have the privilege of assisting at Mass, where the bread and wine truly become Jesus’ Body and Blood. We are blessed with many reverent and dedicated servers here at Holy Rosary, but we can always use more!


Servers assist the Priest and Deacon before and during Mass as you light candles, carry the Processional Cross, hold the Sacramentary book, and other tasks.


You will be scheduled for Masses on Saturday, Sunday, and Holy Days of Obligation per your request. Those interested can be trained to serve funeral Masses.


Youth, please call Ken Kinstetter at 920-388-1116 if you are interested in joining us. Adults, please call Skip Albrecht 388-2126. God bless you! 


Funeral Altar Server

After receiving training, you will be in a rotation to be called when there is a funeral. Both youth and adult servers are needed!


Stations of the Cross Altar Server

These servers will carry cross or candles during the Stations of the Cross on Friday late afternoons during Lent.

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