Count Me In!
So many contribute their time, talent, and treasure generously to make Holy Rosary the loving parish family that it is! We are so blessed!
If you aren’t involved in a ministry, please fill out the attached Count Me In! sign-up sheet and join us in one or more of the opportunities listed below. It’s one of the best ways to feel like you belong – and it’s a great way to meet new friends. If you would like to help but don’t know what’s the best ministry for you, please contact the Parish Office.
Get Started with this simple form:

Altar Servers
Ages: 3rd grade to adult.
Altar servers have the privilege of assisting at Mass, where the bread and wine truly become Jesus’ Body and Blood. We are blessed with many reverent and dedicated servers here at Holy Rosary, but we can always use more!
Servers assist the Priest and Deacon before and during Mass as you light candles, carry the Processional Cross, hold the Sacramentary book, and other tasks.
You will be scheduled for Masses on Saturday, Sunday, and Holy Days of Obligation per your request. Those interested can be trained to serve funeral Masses.
Youth, please call Ken Kinstetter at 920-388-1116 if you are interested in joining us. Adults, please call Skip Albrecht 388-2126. God bless you!
Funeral Altar Server
After receiving training, you will be in a rotation to be called when there is a funeral. Both youth and adult servers are needed!
Stations of the Cross Altar Server
These servers will carry cross or candles during the Stations of the Cross on Friday late afternoons during Lent.
Buildings and Grounds Committee
This essential group does an excellent job in maintaining the church and school in good shape. Roofs, windows, and heating and air are top priorities. We maintain the parking lot, lawns, and take care of internal repairs in the church, school, and rectory as needed. If you have a trade or skill, please consider sharing it with our parish. Even if you don’t have a special trade but are willing to help, please call the parish office at 920-388-2285 ext 6.
Grass Cutting
Outdoor Environment
This group is responsible for the flower beds and plantings surrounding the school, rectory, and church. This includes planting, pruning, weeding and watering of trees, bushes and flowers.
Snow Shoveling
Board of Total Education
This board covers all aspects of Catholic education including our day school, faith formation, children’s liturgy, and adult education. The Board of Total Education monitors existing programs and works to ensure that the best Catholic education is available in all areas of the parish. We are thankful for this vibrant, faith-filled committee who is always looking for fresh talent and opportunities to teach our Catholic faith. For more information, please call Jeff Vollenweider at 255-1157 to join.
Cemetery Board
Our Cemetery Board oversees all aspects of the Holy Rosary and St. Mary, Alaska Cemeteries including sale of graves, maintaining records of internment, ownership burial rights, and handles financial concerns involving the cemetery. They oversee the maintenance for the facility and oversee preparation of grave-sites for burials and necessary arrangements for funerals.
We have a beautiful cemetery which we can thank a long line of dedicated board members over the years. If you are interested in helping, please contact Mike Walston at 920-304-0677 if you are interested in helping.
Finance Council
The Finance Council oversees the financial resources of the parish and helps to prepare budgets. They work closely with the building and grounds committee to help ensure that capital expenditures necessary for the upkeep of the facility are available. We are thankful for the expertise that those on this council bring to our parish.
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council serves two purposes: 1) it tries to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit for the parish, and 2) it acts to coordinate all the activities of the parish towards that end. We are thankful for the many dedicated parishioners who donate their time and talent as members of the Pastoral Council. If you are interested in joining the Council, please contact parish office at 920-388-2285.
Trustees function to provide oversight for all actions of the parish, especially regarding finances. Responsibilities include signing checks, reviewing important information, and attending finance meetings. We are blessed with two dedicated trustees who are elected by the parish and serve a two-year term. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the parish office at 920-388-2285 ext 6.
Altar Linens
Members wash and iron Altar Linens on a weekly rotating basis. Albs and server robes are laundered every 2-3 months.
Large Altar Linens
Prepare the sanctuary by changing the altar linens to the appropriate color for the liturgical season.
Church Cleaning
This group gathers quarterly to assist janitorial staff with the thorough cleaning of the interior of the church. Please call Donna in the parish office at 920-388-2285 ext 6 to help.
Decorating Church and Altar
This group does an exquisite job creating a beautiful, contemplative environment in our sanctuary in such a way that prayer comes easy as the Church moves throughout the liturgical year. Members also clean and change water in the Baptismal Font and Holy Water dishes. Volunteers can be trained, and helpers are also needed. Please call the parish office at 920-388-2285 ext 6 if you are able to help in this very important ministry.
Greeting Space and Arboretum
This group does a delightful job of making the entrance to our church to be welcoming! They maintain the plants and trees in the back of church and stairwells, and they work in groups of three to four members on a quarterly basis.
Bible Study
Interested persons meet in small group to enter more deeply into understanding our Catholic Faith. Facilitators and participants needed!
Catechists and Assistants for Faith Formation
Eucharistic Adoration Adorer
Adorers needed! Every Friday we are privileged to have Eucharistic Adoration following the 9am Mass until Divine Praises at 3:00pm. Our parish has been blessed by the steady stream of people who come to pray and many graces have flowed out to our parish, school, Faith Formation, Child Care, and all our children and families, and to those who have left the Church.
Stop in any time to pray – but we are in need of adorers who are able to make a commitment and sign up for an hour time slot. Call Karen Selner at 920-255-3234 for more information.
Faith Formation Assistant
Faith Formation Director needs assistance on Wednesday evenings during the school year from 6:15pm - 8:00pm when students are in class. No teaching! Please consider helping in this important ministry! Please contact Jan Fisher at 388-2285.
Faith Formation Hall Monitor
Marriage Prep FOCCUS Couples
Married couples are needed who will facilitate engaged couples in discussing key areas that are important in a healthy, happy, and permanent marriage. Training provided! It’s a fun time to get together with young couples in love – and it will help you fall deeper in love with your spouse while you are doing this! Contact parish office at 920-388-3285 ext 6.
Prayer Shawls
Want to be part of an extremely important ministry that brings hope? Join us in making prayer shawls that are given to the sick, homebound, and those in need of some TLC. You can make these at your leisure or come join a monthly group – and pray for the recipient as you knit or crochet. It is a blessing to share these beautiful shawls – but even more so, to share that someone has already prayed for them even before they hit their hour of need! These shawls help people to know that God sees them and cares about them. Please join this ministry – either from home – or join a monthly group!
Prayer Tree
Participants receive a call or e-mail to pray for requested intentions. The Prayer Tree is a wonderful ministry of caring for those who are ill or facing surgery or other challenges in their lives. It is also a way to have others join in the giving of joy, thanksgiving and praise to our God for the gifts one has received. Please call Becky Paplham at 255-2145 or 388-0654 join.
RCIA Sponsors and Team
In our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) classes, we share the teachings of the Catholic Church with those who would like to be baptized and those interested in joining the Catholic Church. Sponsors are needed who will be a friend and walk with them along this faith journey. As you share about your own faith, you will be strengthened and fall deeper in love with Jesus and His Church! Classes will follow the Faith Formation Calendar and will be held on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm-7:45pm. Come join us! Contact parish office at 920-388-2285 ext 6.
RCIC Team: Rite of Christian Initiation for Children
RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) is a wonderful opportunity for children over the age of seven, who have not been baptized or received their 1st Reconciliation or 1st Communion, to learn about our Catholic faith. They will receive sacraments that will provide a strong foundation for their faith to grow for the rest of their lives. Come join us in teaching Bible Stories, the Ten Commandments and the difference between a sin and a mistake, and how Jesus is truly present in Eucharist. Training is available! If you would like to be part of this team who can make a difference in a child’s life, please call parish office at 920-388-2285 ext 6.
Rosary Leader before Weekend Masses
Come join this behind-the-scenes ministry as you help prepare for our Masses through laying out the cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, and bread and wine. This ministry could be on a rotating basis if we get enough volunteers.
Visiting Homebound and Those in Care Facilities
This is an extremely rewarding ministry where we visit our homebound and those in care facilities or nursing homes. Some visitors also bring Eucharist. We are blessed by many who visit, but we could use some more help so everyone gets visited! Training will be provided. Call Donna at 920-388-2285 ext 6 for more information.
Grief Support Group
“Healing Your Grieving Heart” is an informal, six-week session for those who have lost a significant other in their life. Come be trained to lead a group or offer support such as baked goods for meetings. Call Donna Moran at 723-1948 or in the parish office at 920-388-2285 ext 6 for more details.
Ministry to the Grieving
This is a ministry that can be done from home in which you send notes or baked goods on behalf of the parish at various times throughout the first year after a loved one has died. Cards are sent at holidays and in remembrance of their loved one’s birthday, expressing our sorrow and assurance of the parish’s continued prayers. If you would like to join in this special ministry of love, please call Pat Lufter at 388-2042.
Caring for our College Kids
Mail notes of encouragement or small care packages at important times of a college student’s life, such as the beginning of the school term, holidays, and finals or whenever! Call the parish office 920-388-2285 ext 6 if you are interested.
Dinners for New Parishioners
Develop and coordinate a semi-annual welcome for new parishioners. Call parish office if interested.
Funeral Luncheons
This is where our love really flows as the men and women of our parish reach out with kindness and compassion to families who are grieving. Join one of our three teams who rotate preparing a delicious meal after funerals. Call Donna at 388-2285 to learn more.
Individuals who are warm, friendly, and helpful arrive 20 to 30 minutes before Mass to welcome everyone with an open door and a smile. Greeters are scheduled at their convenience. Call Dave Mielke at 388-4182 if you can help!
Hospitality Sunday
The 2nd weekend of each month is Hospitality Sunday! Volunteers will help serve delicious treats and conversation! Duties may include baking, setting up and taking down tables, pouring chocolate milk, and cleaning up. This is a wonderful ministry for families. Volunteers usually help four times a year. Please call parish office.
Tote Bags for Toddlers
Tote bags with Christian board books are kept at the entrances of the church for toddlers to use during Mass. Call the parish office if you would like to help maintain the tote bags that we already have, if you would like to make additional bags, or if you would like to donate some new Christian board books. This is a great way to make our children feel at home!
Warm, friendly, and helpful individuals welcome all those who come to worship. They arrive 20-30 minutes before the start of a Mass to prepare the spaces by turning on lights, opening inside doors, and making sure they are aware of any special events taking place. Ushers are scheduled as part of a team at each weekend Mass on a monthly basis. Call Tom Stangel at 388-4466.
Welcoming New Members, Engaged Couples, Newly Baptized and Married
This is a ministry you can do from home. We need people who can write a kind note of congratulations, bake a tasty batch of cookies, or make a phone call expressing congratulations on behalf of the parish. This is a great way to meet new people! To join this rewarding ministry, please call parish office.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Eucharistic Ministers are privileged to assist the presider in the distribution of Holy Communion at Masses. Ministers work in teams of four on Saturday or six on Sunday and are scheduled approximately once a month. Eucharistic Ministers are also needed to bring Communion to the homebound and those in care facilities. Training will be provided. Contact Joanne Lazansky at 242-7999 for more information.
Gift Presenter
Along with another parishioner, bring the gifts of bread and wine to Father or Deacon at the time of preparation representing the entire community gathered. The ushers invite them to participate as they arrive at church. This is a ministry with no set schedule.
Proclaims God’s Word and the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass. Training will be provided. Lectors serve on a weekend rotation and Holy Days. Call the parish office if interested.
Prayers of the Faithful
Come join a team of prayerful Catholics who prepare the Prayers of the Faithful for our weekend Masses. Call Mary Ann Wisnicky 255-8078 for more information.
Baking & Cooking
Members of this ministry provide baked and cooked items for parish socials and gatherings. Call Donna in the parish office at 388-2285.
Members of this ministry will help other social ministries in our parish by providing decorative items for church events.
Fair Stand
The Athletic Club runs a food and beverage stand at the Kewaunee County Fair, Thursday through Sunday, with all proceeds going to the school.
Fall Dinner Committee
This committee prepares a delicious chicken dinner with all the trimmings for Holy Rosary parishioners and local communities. This is a community building, fundraising dinner with social. All proceeds go to the parish.
Home and School Association
School families and Holy Rosary staff work together to provide programs that benefit the children of the parish school and fundraisers to help offset school expenses. Call Kris Stollberg at 388-2431 ext 11 for more information.
Knights of Columbus
Money Counter
Parish Picnic Committee
This committee sets a date for our annual parish picnic and plans the events of the day. This is a community-building, fund-raising event with all proceeds going to the parish. Call Donna Moran in the parish office.
Promotion and Publicity
Members will help promote and publicize church community events and activities.
Rosary Society
Rosary Society is a dedicated group of women and men who support Holy Rosary Parish. We work to promote charity and goodwill through the church. We provide funeral meals and help support the parish through fundraisers. To join, please call the parish office.
Social Events/ Fundraising
Members will develop and implement activities for the purpose of parishioner socialization and/or raising funds for the benefit of the Holy Rosary Parish Community.
The parish website informs parishioners, visitors and other interested individuals of the mission and activities of our faith community.
Musically talented group which has been leading us in worship since 1988. Their music will keep you humming all day long!
Cantors and Instrumentalists
Looking for musically talented individuals who can play an instrument or lead our congregation in worship, please call Liz Melotte at 255-3868.
Children’s Choir
Welcome to every kid in Holy Rosary Parish from 1st grade through 8th grade! Practices are once a week for 30 minutes from October through April. We greatly enjoyed the Children’s Choir at four Masses last year and are looking forward to this upcoming year. Please call Doc Zenner 388-4160 to join.
Festival Choir
A four-part chorus that is open to any interested parish member, high school age and up. The choir practices every Thursday evening at 5:30pm in the choir loft and sings as scheduled. We gladly welcome new members and take plenty of time to learn new music, so even members who don’t “read” music, can join in! Don’t sing but play a musical instrument? We’d like to include you as well. Please call Liz Melotte 255-3868 at to join!
Funeral Choir
This choir consists of parishioners and members of neighboring parishes who perform the very important ministry of providing the music for funerals. It is open to anyone who desires to join. Please call Donna in the parish office at 388-2285 for more information.
Mary and the Volunteers
Singers and musicians of all ages are welcome to join this newer choir which sings at the first Saturday Mass each month. Please call Jim Walecka at 388-2285 for more information.
Change for Change
Food Pantry
Respect Life
Visiting Homebound and Those in Care Facilities
This is an extremely rewarding ministry where we visit our homebound and those in care facilities or nursing homes. Some visitors also bring Eucharist. We are blessed by many who visit, but we could use some more help so everyone gets visited! Training will be provided. Call Donna at 388-2285 ext 6 for more information.