Holy Rosary Parish in Kewaunee, WI has a dedicated list of members willing to help in any way possible. Find the appropriate contact below.
Walk together and build relationships!
Contact Holy Rosary Parish​
521 Juneau Street
Kewaune, WI 54216
(920) 388-2285 Ext 6
Fr. George Daniel......920-515-1730
Deacon Dennis Sutter......(608) 566-5426​
Parish Office – In the School
You are welcome – 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Monday through Friday
Miki Wessel………….……….Parish Secretary
Amy Vanden Avond……………..BookKeeper
Other Parish Contacts
Tom Stangel (920) 255-4466
Frank Salentine (920) 255-2469
Pastoral Council:
Mary Gaye Rank
Finance Council:
Jeff Kleiman.......................(920) 388-0108
Board of Total Education:
Jeff Vollenweider………………..(920) 388-3565
Building and Grounds:
Jim Walecka…………………….(920) 388-4514
Cemetery Association:
Mike Walston........................ (920) 304-0677
Prayer Tree
​Jean Dahlke............................ (920) 255-1209
Becky Paplham......................(920) 255-2145
Visit Us
Driving Directions

From North or South: take Route 42 toward downtown Kewaunee. Turn west (away from the lake) one block south of Route 29 onto Kilbourn Street. Holy Rosary School is three blocks up the hill, on the right.
From Green Bay: take Route 29 east toward downtown Kewaunee. Turn right onto Dodge Street, one block before Route 42. After one block, turn right onto Kilbourn Street. Holy Rosary School is two blocks west on the right.