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Holy Rosary Parish in Kewaunee, WI has a deep and esteemed history within the community,

dating back to 1853:

Our History is Rich. Our Future is Promising!

History of Holy Rosary

  • 1853      Bohemian and German settlers came to Kewaunee and worked in the local sawmill.

  • 1856      Father T. Swedding, Missionary, celebrated Mass and dispensed sacraments.

  • 1857      Father Maly conducted services during Advent in the home of Mathias Rock.

    • John Borgman also opened his home to liturgy celebration.

  • 1860      John Borman, assisted by others, began construction of the first church.

  • 1863      Completion of the first permanent church.

  • 1864      Construction of the first school began.

  • 1865      Acre of land purchased for cemetery.

  • 1871      First school completed under Father George Brunner. Father Brunner comprised the first faculty the first year of school.

  • 1872     October Two Sisters of Notre Dame convent, Milwaukee, came to teach.

  • 1875     Holy Rosary Society established.

  • 1879     Began building of new church. Cost of land, $1,000.

  • 1883     Nov. 1 Parish incorporated in the state of Wisconsin.

  • 1884     New church was completed and consecrated on October 5, free of debts. Cost, $6,475. Relics of Holy               Innocents and St. Eumenius placed with alter stone. Capacity was 350 worshippers.

    • Main wooden altar was designed by Jos. Svoboda Church Furniture Co.

  • 1885     Oct. 12 Knights of Wisconsin organized.

  • 1890     Erected new rectory, cost $3,500.

  • 1891     Sept. 8 Two bells consecrated in the bell-tower (1700 lbs. and 1000 lbs.). Bells consecrated to Sacred Heart and to Immaculate Heart of Mary. The bells are now electronically run in the belfry of the present bell tower. Addresses delivered in German, Bohemian, and English.

  • 1900    Apr. 12 Catholic Order of Foresters organized.

  • 1901    Pipe organ added to church, cost $895.

  • 1903   Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity from Manitowoc arrived to staff the school.

    • The sisters lived on the second floor of the two-story building.

  • 1911       New school building erected, cost $8,995.

  • 1923    May 20 Holy Name Society established.

  • 1924    Oct. 9 Additional 4 acres purchased for cemetery.

  • 1925    Covent completed at price of $5,800.

  • 1928    Oct. 30 Juvenile Foresters organized.

  • 1950    Decision to build six additional classrooms and gymnasium. Addition completed at cost of $271,000. Father “Mike” Jacowski was pastor at this time.

  • 1961    Decision to build new church. During construction, services were held in the gymnasium.

  • 1963    School enrollment 415.

    • Mar. 31 First Mass offered in new church by Father “Mike” Jacowski. Cost of new church and rectory $533,000. The church furnishings were created by Svoboda Church Furniture Co. of Kewaunee. The altar, communion railing, baptismal font, and narthex walls are Italian marble. The windows were manufactured in Cologne, Germany and the Corpus of Christ on the Cross was carved in Oberammergau, Germany.

    • Aug. 4 Dedication of new charge and centennial celebration of the parish.

    • October New convent completed. Cost $116,000 for building, property, and furnishings.

    • Dec. 4 Pope John XXIII issued the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy; this was to begin the updating within the church; Liturtgy, Reception of the Sacraments, Lay participation.

  • 1973   Mar. 12 Formation of Parish Council. First President Clarence Bultman. Lay distribution of Communion was started.

  • 1977    Rite of Reconciliation revised for use in church.

    •   Communion would be received in the hand for those wishing that option.

  • 1979    Franciscan Sisters from Manitowoc no longer available to teach at Holy  Rosary.

    •  November Sisters’ Convent sold and will become part of the Kewaunee County Courthouse Annex.

  • 1981    May 22 Ordination of Dana Gallenberger as Deacon and assignment to Holy Rosary.

  • 1982    Holy Rosary joined the RENEW Program. This program sponsored on Diocesan and National levels encourages greater participation of the laity in active renewal in the life of the church/parish.

  • 1984    Father Dan Dewane became pastor.

  • 1989    Day care operation established in basement.

  • 1998    Four classrooms were moved from the old school to the church basement.

    •   Demolition of 1911 school building.

  • 1999    May 22 New school was dedicated.

  • 2002    Kathy Zeman appointed Pastoral Minister.

  • 2005    Apr. 18 Father William Swichtenberg appointed pastor of the linked parishes of Holy Rosary and Algoma St. Mary.

  • 2014    Deacon Chuck Agnew appointed Pastoral Coordinator of linked Holy Rosary and St. Mary parishes. Fr. John Becker named as Priest Moderator with Msgr.  Jim Dillenburg and Fr. Ron Columbo appointed Priest Celebrants.

  •  2016   Holy Rosary and St. Mary Parishes are no longer linked. Deacon Chuck remains as Pastoral Coordinator of Holy Rosary Parish and Fr. John Becker as Priest Moderator. Fr. Peter Stryker appointed new Priest Celebrant.

In Perspective:

  • 1674    Nov. 1 Father Marquette celebrated Mass in Kewaunee.

  • 1856    Town of Kewaunee established, and first meeting of the Board took place.

  • 1872    Apr. 30 Kewaunee incorporated as village. R. L. Wing was the first President of the Village Board.

  • 1873    Kewaunee County Courthouse built, cost $12,000.

  • 1883    Apr. 3 Kewaunee incorporated as a city; Vojta Mashek was the first mayor.

  • 1891    Oct. 20 Kewaunee, Green Bay & Western Railroad completed.

  • 1892    Ann Arbor & Pere Marquette car ferry connection established across Lake Michigan.

  • 1898    May 20 Fire wiped out the greater part of the business section of Kewaunee.

  • 1991    November Last car ferry departed Kewaunee.

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