A Well Thought Out Plan.
In an effort to provide financial stability for future generations, it is important for our parish to move forward now to develop an endowment fund. Remembering Holy Rosary Parish in your will is the easiest way to do this. If many parishioners include a bequest to Holy Rosary even in small amounts, together we can build a foundation that will provide for the future. Our plan is to never touch the principle and only use the earnings if necessary.
We do not know what the financial climate will be for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but we are sure they will be thankful for any foresight and planning on our part to pass on a spiritually vibrant parish with a strong financial base. A well-thought out plan put into action early can do much to ensure future stability.
Please consider adding Holy Rosary Parish to your will.
Questions? Contact the Parish Office at (920) 388-2285 ext 6