My name is Kris Stollberg and I am proud to call myself the Principal of Holy Rosary School. In 1995, I started my teaching career at Holy Rosary School as the Kindergarten teacher. In 2015, I took on a dual role and added School Administrator to my title. I am a 1994 graduate of UW-Stout where I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education. In 2016, I earned my Masters of Arts in Administrative Leadership from Silver Lake College.
Holy Rosary School has been a special part of my life for many years. I had the privilege of watching my own children receive a faith-filled education that helped form them into the young adults they have become. One of the biggest benefits to my job has been watching my former students grow into adults who are living our mission and truly making a difference in the world.
If you would like to contact Mrs. Kris Stollberg, please call Holy Rosary School Office at (920) 388-2431 or email kstollberg@holyrosarykewaunee.com