Preschool Program
Our preschool rooms are arranged into several small centers, which include a variety of activities from which the child may choose. Each center contains enrichments, which focus on specific developmental skills. The centers may include creative, sensory, science, imagination, language & literacy, manipulative, or blocks. Curriculum is planned around a specific theme. By using open-ended units, each teacher is able to break down a theme into components that are of interest to their particular age group. Children participate in teacher-directed and child-chosen activities, which add to the bi-weekly lessons. Lesson plans, which are posted on the parent bulletin board, detail the activities, which are planned for the two weeks. Holy Rosary Child Care works hard to stay up-to-date on teaching methods. We are constantly changing our curriculum, but maintain basic methods that we believe nurture children’s learning. We like kids to learn by doing things themselves and provide them with an endless amount of enthusiasm as well as tools to explore with. Our activities are in the fields of:
Large/Small Motor Activities
Outdoor Play
Sense related activities (5 senses)